can convert IFO to MP4, AVI, MKV etc on either PC or Mac with the ultimate. The best thing about Movavi Video Converter for Mac is that it is way smarter than it has any right to be! For instance, the program comes with convenient presets for all devices and video formats, including HD and DVD, to optimize your viewing and listening experience for each platform! If you're particular about such things, Movavi Video Converter for Mac even lets you fine-tune settings manually to get just the quality that your demanding tastes seek, then store your custom settings for later conversions. Fastest Video Converter and Compressor in the market that supports almost all. With Movavi Video Converter for Mac, you'll be able to convert video and audio files between all popular formats, giving you the freedom to play them on a diverse array of gadgets including your iPod, iPhone, PSP, BlackBerry and more. Read reviews to learn about the top-rated Movavi Video Converter for Mac. Then everything is thrown into chaos as you discover that your existing file formats just refuse to work on the new platform! That's when you get a copy of Movavi Video Converter for Mac! Find a Movavi Video Converter for Mac 20 Personal Edition Download at Your video and audio file collection is seamlessly organized, perfected for playback on your favorite mobile device - until you upgrade or change gadgets, that is.